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Fresh Breath


Young man with green shirt smiling

Brush twice a day, floss at least once a day, and rinse twice a day with an antiseptic mouthwash such as LISTERINE®, and you’re well on your way to staying fresh. Why, you ask? Because you’re stopping bacteria from setting up camp in your mouth. If you don’t clear out food particles, bacteria will gather on your teeth, gums and tongue. They won’t have time to worsen if you regularly evict them. Talk with your dentist if you’re having trouble with this.

 Daily Routine 

Practice maintaining a complete daily oral care routine. Brush (your tongue as well as your teeth), floss (not your tongue), and rinse with a mouthwash such as LISTERINE®, and you’ll prevent most forms of bad breath. At least twice a year, have your dentist or hygienist give you a professional cleaning and look for problems.

 A Discerning Palate 

Be mindful of what you put in your mouth. For example: keep drinking water. Hydrating yourself can help ensure your saliva production stays steady, clearing out your mouth; a dry mouth is a better home for bacteria. Some parts of the food you eat pass into your bloodstream and reach your lungs, from which their odours are breathed out. If you down lots of vegetables (and pleasingly fragrant herbs), these exhaled scents can be more pleasant than if you’re consuming excess sugar or meals with especially bold flavours. Sugar-free gum can also help with bad breath because it encourages saliva production. Following a glass of wine or mug of coffee, try rinsing with LISTERINE COOL MINT® or LISTERINE FRESHBURST®, and if you can avoid smoking or chewing tobacco, of course that’ll make a big difference too.

 Medical Considerations 

A medical professional can help you rule out potential underlying health causes for halitosis – such as gum disease, acid reflux or digestive issues.

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